Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Room!

I am so excited. My room is awesome. I'll add pictures later, but it is amazing having my own toilet and bathtub, and door I can close, and window I can look out from!

Bonus, it's the first night of playoff hockey, and the TV was still paid for! So, I get to watch myself some hockey. I just wish I had some sort of junk food to eat while I watch. Mmmm... chocolate covered pretzels, or pizza, or candy, or something other than the banana that's staring at me. I don't really care for bananas at all.

While everyone (Jason, Jakob, my parents, my brother, my in-laws, grandpa and Amber) are out for a nice dinner, I'm cozy in my bed, trying to get the contractions that have been nagging me all afternoon, to go away so that I can focus on hockey. This might be the only game I get to see while I'm in here, I can't see myself paying $11 each game day.

Okay, it's starting :)

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo glad you finally have your own room! Celebration time!! :)
