I was thrilled this morning when there was no bleeding. Just "normal" pregnancy discharge. However, I wasn't feeling so great, and I was really crampy. I had a good non-stress test, lunch and then I decided to have a nap. I've been so sleepy today.
I felt the need to pee, so I got up, went to the washroom, looked down and nearly died. There was so much blood! I passed a clot the size of a toonie, and turned the whole toilet bowl red. Not only that, it ran down my legs, and onto my pants, and onto the floor. I buzzed the nurse from in the bathroom, and she came to see me. Got me set up with a new pad, hooked me back up to the nst for a while just to make sure that Ellie was okay. They ordered bloodwork on me, and the nurse checked my pad every five minutes for the next hour.
I got sent down the hall for a speculum exam. It was hideously uncomfortable. She stuck gauze up there to soak up the bleeding to get a better look of things. Last speculum exam (which tells you much less than a digital vaginal exam) showed me closed. Today it showed me over a centimeter dilated. I know that I can stretch out to about a 4cm. The cramping stopped after I started bleeding, so they think that my lack of bleeding overnight and this morning was because it was causing the clot, and when my uterus finally got irritated enough with it, it ejected it, causing the cramping and bleeding. YUCK.
I had my AFI/doppler scan a bit after that, which was fine. Baby looks good. She took a couple pictures of my cervix from the abdominal view, my amniotic sac is clearly hanging out inside my cervix. Lovely.
They aren't going to be talking about moving me again until three days from now. I'm scheduled for my growth scan on Thursday, I can't wait for Thursday.
While I was having my scan, Gail asked me if I wanted Ellie out at 32 weeks, or if I wanted her to stay in until 35 weeks (which is when I'm fairly sure they will induce me, if what the doctor today said carries any weight). As hard as it is to imagine being cooped up in here for the next 4 weeks, I'd rather that, than having her stuck in the NICU for who knows how long, and my having to run back and forth between home and here several times a day. No thanks, I'd just like her to stay in, we're together, I don't have to worry about anything, this is definitely the place for us.
Jason came to visit for a couple hours. God, I miss him so much. I think it's possible I might actually miss him more than I miss Jakob. Does that make me horrible? Jason is the most loving man I've ever met. Before all this, every night he was home, he would rub my back for an hour, or brush my hair, or rub my feet. We snuggle during movies, and hug many times a day. I am seriously missing the lack of physical contact. If I get my own room, I think he's going to have a sleepover, just so I can be cuddled all night long. I know lots of the other ladies here have someone overnight with them.
Gail's on her way back, so I'll go. Will post if there's any change with the bleeding/situation.
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