Sunday, April 17, 2011


Go figure, my nst happened just as they were dropping off lunch. Argh! So, I got to wait an extra hour before lunch. Ellie was good on her nst, so I am happy about that. She has to stay happy in there.

Ultrasound tomorrow sometime to check fluid and doppler. HOPE the fluid situation isn't too bad. The gushing has slowed to a trickle, so I wouldn't be surprised if now it's just leaking what she pees out. Amniotic fluid is a mystery.

My room was cleaned by the most talkative cleaning lady I have ever met. She was very nice, and very encouraging, and told me to look into buying doll clothes for Ellie. She said at 3lbs, even preemie clothes are most likely to be too big. Crazy, but a really good suggestion.

So, amniotic fluid has a definite aroma. I wonder if when outsiders come into my room, they notice. I notice, and I'm sitting here. It's not really a gross smell, I don't know, it's hard to describe. It's one ingredient short of being the new baby smell. The ingredient that's missing, is obviously the baby.

I am dying to have a shower. I will ask to be unhooked from my iv this afternoon, in the gap between ampicillin and erythromycin. I told one of the nurses (the one that successfully started my iv on the FIRST try yesterday. Way to go, Lisa!), that the erythromycin hurts like a mofo while it drips. She said they can dilute it to make the hurt go away. I wish I'd asked earlier! My nurse gave me a hard time for not saying anything, and I told her that I try very hard not to be that patient. You know, the one who complains about every.little.thing?

I am convinced they think I won't tell them if I start contracting. For those of you who don't know, my labor with Jakob was induced at 41w3d. They gave me a cervidil insert at 8pm on Wednesday. On Thursday, at 8am, my water broke. I had, what I would call, Braxton Hicks contractions irregularly from then until maybe 3 or 4. I'd been checked, and while I was a great deal effaced, I was barely making any dilating progress. They thought a change of scenery would be good for me, and issued a day pass so we could walk in the park. On the elevator ride down, contractions started one after another, lasting forever. I was delirious with pain, and it took us 15 minutes or so to get back to the room. I insisted they check me, and I was pretty much ready to start pushing. From 0 to go-time in barely any time at all.

My nurses seem to think things will go a lot fast this time. I'm not actually counting on that, since in case you hadn't noticed, this pregnancy has been the polar opposite to my pregnancy with Jake. They are so worried I won't tell them in time. Trust me, I will tell you. Just like I told you when my water broke.

Ah, they mean well.

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