Saturday, April 16, 2011

pPROM at 31w4d

So, I'm here, chilling with a painful iv in. Getting ampicillan, a broad spectrum antibiotic to kill anything that might consider giving us an infection. I got a "rescue round" of steroids, since it's been 2 weeks since our last dose, and we're under 32 weeks. When the ampicilllan is done, they'll give me another type of antibiotic, and if I don't go into labor in the next 48 hours, I'll start oral antibiotics.

My doctor today said that 70% of pPROMs (premature preterm rupture of membranes) end up delivering within 7 days. 30% go longer. Because they've ruptured, the absolute end date is now May 3rd, 34w0d. I will be induced if we make it that far, because, as luck would have it, she was head down when my water broke.

I'll be honest, I'm shit scared.

Even if she stays in, how much can she grow with less than ideal conditions?? She's so little. This sucks.

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