Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I had a lovely morning.

I woke up just before 8am (having gone to sleep close to 1am, not being able to put down my trashy romance novel). My nurse came in before breakfast rounds to say that I had to go down for my AFI and Doppler scan. My porter came, whisked me down, I got scanned, and sent back up in time to eat my breakfast.

ELLIE IS HEAD DOWN!! That's the first thing the u/s tech said, and I absolutely didn't believe her, despite seeing her head down there myself. Yay!! I just hope that she *stays* head down. That would be better for the both of us. Doppler ranges are still high, but still positive flowing, so that's fantastic. Her AFI was at 11cm today, very similar to what it was last time she was head down. As long as it stays over 5cm, we're golden.

Sandra came by for a visit, because she'd worked a shift somewhere overnight in the hospital. Then Jason and Jakob came to see me. I loved every second of their visit today. The three of us sat in my bed watching Cars, Jakob listening to the movie through headphones, and Jason and I got the chance to chat a little. I can't even begin to describe how nice it felt to snuggle my family. Jake got a little restless, so we decided to go outside on the patio. I have had my bedrest status downgraded to level 3, so I can walk by myself to the lounge, or the coffee shop. SO nice. We sat outside for almost an hour, I hadn't been outside in 8 days. 8 days too long to be cooped up indoors.

After they left, I had my NST, which Ellie passed in 40 minutes. Finally, she passed one without having to go downstairs for continuous monitoring. I was happy with that.

Lunch came, it was pretty good. Now I'm just chilling, waiting for Justine and Patricia to come visit. Rachel and Beth are also both coming this afternoon. I wonder if my mom will bring Jakob, or if they'll wait until tomorrow.

I want to have a shower, but I'm finding it hard to get anything done in the washroom, due to a weird feeling of having no privacy. When Olga was here, I was happy to do whatever I wanted, I don't really feel like that with this roomie. This place is packed. All 15 beds are occupied. I could probably ask to be put on a single room wait list, but then I would miss out on my prime eavesdropping location. Hehe.

Dr. P came by, she was excited for me that the baby is head down. Way to go, Peanut. I asked what the deal was with the Doppler checks. She said they're going to keep doing them 2-3times a week to keep an eye on the flow. It's high, but so long as it's positive, then she can stay in. She did say that if things with the flow got bad, they would deliver. But, she also said that she thought with all the bleeding, one of these days the bleeding will start, I'll go into labor, and that will be that. So, we wait.

I hope she chooses a day where I have more energy, this headache is draining!

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