Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did I ever tell you about the time, not too long ago, when Jason and I went on a treasure hunt in our couches?

Well, we did, and it was akin to opening a time capsule! We found:
We found:
- my drumsticks from high school band, which I distinctly remember getting in trouble for losing
- my flute cleaner
- Christmas gift labels from my Grandmaman, my Mormor, my aunt Charlotte, some friend of mine named Kathrine (all looked very old)
- a subscription card to Time magazine from 1985
- $5.63 in change
- two pens
- some marshmallows
- a pair of scissors
- a ruler
- a pink barrette that I'm fairly certain was mine as a child
- hair elastics
- two screws
- a square of fabric that I love, which looks to be very old, and I'm excited to iron it properly to see the pattern
- a knife
- a fork 

 - a couple cloth napkins
- ornament hooks
- a book mark from 1984

- and this ring!  It was either my mother's, or my Mormor's. My mom isn't too sure. But, it was bought in the early 80's, in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's sterling silver, and fits like it was made for me. I love it.

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