Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pictures of Babies with PWS

This search phrase takes me back to when we were waiting for our diagnosis. I Googled like you wouldn't believe (well, if you're going down that path, you might actually believe), and what I was desperate for, was to know if having PWS meant my baby would look different. I didn't care about the actual lack of genetic material, I cared about what she would look like, because people are so mean to those who look different. It's bad enough being called "Four-Eyes" when you have glasses, or being made fun of because you have a weak jaw line, or your teeth have spaces between them (all relevant to me, if you were wondering). I am normal, and it hurt. I couldn't fathom having a child that looked outwardly different, the thought was soul crushing.

Lucky for me, my beautiful girl is, just that, beautiful.

My baby with PWS
Look through my blog for more photos of Ellie. She really doesn't look any different!

1 comment:

  1. We are featuring your inspiring post on our Vanderbilt Prader-Willi Syndrome Initiatives Facebook page today. Thought you and your fans would be interested!

    Read our post about Ellie here:
