Friday, February 3, 2012

I really should be putting Jakob to bed, or maybe putting out the garbage, or picking things off the floor in our den. But, I'm not in the mood, so here I am instead. Jakob is happily playing in the bath, which has long since gone cold. I don't know what it is about kids and bath time. Jakob could spend hours upon hours in the tub if we let him.

I am making slow progress in tidying up the house this week. My goal was to move all the books out of Jakob's room, onto our bookshelf in the den. I succeeded in doing that, and now our bookshelf is full of books, instead of stuff, and he has a proper desk to sit at and craft, doodle, play stickers, or whatever it is he wants to do when he's in his room. I've been wanting to do that FOREVER.

Next, decluttering the den. It's been our dumping ground, ever since we exiled the toys from downstairs up to the den. There are piles of papers waiting to be filed, and about a thousand greeting cards. Tomorrow, I am recycling those, filing, and generally putting things in their proper place. I have the morning to myself, Josie is coming to help with the cleaning near lunch time, and Jakob will be with my mother-in-law. Yay! I might actually accomplish something!

I would love to move the shelf out of the kitchen, and up here into the den, then move the crib back into Ellie's room, get rid of the pull-out couch in the living room, move the glider from E's room into the living room, and the rocker in Jakob's room back into our room. It's a lot of shuffling, but eventually it will all get done, and we will have a bit more space. I've been ruthless with getting rid of old toys, picture frames, anything that causes clutter. If we're going to sell our place, we can't have clutter, and more importantly, I do NOT want to move useless junk. Bring on an early spring cleaning session.

Have I told you that Ellie is sitting? 100% unassisted, sitting on her own, playing with her toys until she loses interest in being upright? She's amazing.My camera sucks, and I'm working on trying to get Nikon to replace it for me. The majority of my photos come out blurry.

Rocking Tummy Time

Camera straps tastes yummy

Sitting!! NO HELP!

Look at her go :)

Sleepy munchkin <3

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