Sunday, March 13, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about Friday. I really should have asked more questions. I plan on calling the clinic first thing in the morning tomorrow to ask about getting a doppler scan done before Friday.

I know that the doctor I saw on Friday thought my condition was stable, but really, when there was evidence of absent end diastolic flow, from all I've been able to find, they SHOULD be monitoring me more closely.

I would be heartbroken if I waited til Friday, and found out that something was really wrong, that could have been caught sooner, only wasn't because this one doctor decided I was stable enough to wait a week. I keep thinking about the peri that did the ultrasound and how she said that I should be rescanned by Monday at the latest. "It's not an indication for delivery, but it is an indication we should be following you a lot more closely than we have been".

I think it's time to advocate for myself and for my peanut. Argh, why do doctors have to be so aggravating at times?!

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