Thursday, March 31, 2011

900pm Thursday

It has been a long, long day. But, most definitely a hopeful one. The contractions seem to have petered out, and I hope that they stay gone when the nifedipine wears off. I have two more doses, 6am and 6pm tomorrow, so Saturday will be the 'big' deal day.
Meeting either tonight with the neonatologist or tomorrow.
Had my second round of steroids (yay) and another adalat. Also had to get a gbs swab done which was NOT how I remember it with Jake. "This might feel a bit uncomfortable"... thanks :s
Jason came to visit me for a while and brought licorice and a good bath towel. I still have my hep lock in, but am not attached to iv at present which is nice. Would be a good time to shower.
There's a sink in the main part of the room which I can use to wash my hair and stuff if I don't feel like having a real shower.
My night nurse came in, did a quick baby check, did a me check (vitals are all good for now). She gave me a little booklet about antepartum self-medicating, and the drs have me on materna, colace and a frozen fruit jelly three times a day. I also noticed they've got me on a high fibre diet. I guess being on bed rest and only getting up to pee is enough inactivity to mess with bowels. I hope having to share a bathroom doesn't activate my "scared to poop in public washroom" phobia... yuck.
There's a nice little family lounge for when my mom and Jake come visit tomorrow. Gives us some privacy without disturbing my roomie. I have no one at the moment, but they said that could definitely change by morning.
I am supposed to call the nurse when I go pee to show them the "plug" loss... she seemed convinced it was impossible for me to be losing plug. Hmph!!! I know my body.
Looking forward to morning, will be 29w3d! We met with the neo three weeks ago! Time flies.
Ooh, I get a snack! Apparently the dietician can come meet with me tomorrow about a regular evening snack. That would be awesome. Service is top notch.
I'm curious to see what the recreational therapy sessions involve. They're twice a week... also mommy's group on sundays. Fun times. If I have to be here next week, I'm all about another massage therapy session!
Mmm... cheese and crackers and an apple :) yum!
Okay, I think I'm going to wind down for the night and sleep if I can. Day 2 of hospital stay round 2, no baby, no sign of baby, fantastic.

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