Friday, January 13, 2012

This week, Jason and I went to Calgary. Originally, we planned to go to look seriously at houses, and we did look, just not as seriously as we had intended. We rented a car, stayed in a really nice hotel, and had a great couple of days.

On Tuesday, when we got in, I called my biological half-sister, and we met her and her husband for dinner. She was already a few days overdue, but little man wasn't ready to meet the world yet. He chose today to be born, and I tell you, it is the most bizarre feeling.

C and I, while we share the same paternal DNA, really don't know each other very well. We met ages ago, I think I was 19 at the time, maybe 20. Then we had her come stay for a few days a couple years later. After high school, she moved to Alberta, where she went to college, fell in love, got married, etc... and I haven't seen her in probably 3 or 4 years. I have her on Facebook, and keep up with news through that. We don't really talk, there's no denying that our relationship is a little awkward. That said, I find her the easiest one of all my biological relatives to relate to. She reminds me a lot of me, and I loved spending the evening with her. I wish we lived closer, because I think we really could be sisters.

I love babies. Love them to bits. I love hearing when babies are born, love to fawn over photos. When I saw the photo of her baby boy, I burst into tears. Tears of pride. My sister had a baby! I can't even explain it, other than there is some sort of biologically ingrained response to relatives having babies.

I love our niece to bits, but she's Jay's relative, Jay's niece. This new little man, I have only seen one picture and he has stolen my heart.

I cannot wait to see them again. Is it summer yet?

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