Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Have to keep it short this morning, my mom's in a bad mood because J has been up FOREVER.

I talked to Dr. M this morning for probably 20 minutes.
The jist of it is:
1. Baby could be small because of a malfunctioning placenta. This is what they think is causing her growth lag, BUT, it could also be:
2. due to a chromosomal defect, like trisomy 13, 18 or 21(more commonly known as Down's Syndrome). Dr.M said that she *could* do an amnio to rule these out, but that increases my odds of having a severely premature baby if the amnio triggered real labour. She said the risk of having one of these three disorders, for me, having shown no markers on any of my scans is less than 5%, she said realistically it was between 1-2%. Seeing as Jason and I wouldn't make any changes in our action plan should she be born early, solely based on a chromosomal abnormality, I decided to decline the amnio.
3. due to a genetic defect that we won't know about until she's born. She made it sound like this was very different from a chromosomal issue, and I'm pretty clueless about it all. I'm going to do a little more reading on genetics and small babies. Will post more as I come by it.
4. due to some infection, probably in the first trimester. I'm going to go for blood tests this week, so that the information is there for my appointment next week.

None of any of that is new information to me, but it was nice that she thought it important enough to talk about. She said that everything depends on how she continues to grow, so we'll all be keeping our fingers crossed that she grows in the week to come!

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