Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today was as great as the other day was shitty. I tell you, this rollercoaster is brutal, and definitely not for the faint of heart.
Ellie is up to 1879g, just 4g over yesterday. Still, gaining is good.
When I came in this morning, her alarms were ringing because she was satting HIGH. That has never, ever happened. She also sucked on a soother twice during the day, and for both of my visits, spent her time during feeds, exploring the breast. Very exciting!
She's currently fast asleep on my chest :)
They've been talking about getting the rt (respiratory therapist) to rig a portable low-flow O2 system, so she can finally get her head ultrasound.
Because she had a good day, doc was eager to lay out an action plan to change feeds to q3 on Friday, and try an open crib on the weekend. Who knows though, today may be a fluke.
If she could just wake up a bit more, maybe we'd make more progress.

1 comment:

  1. Following every update with bated breath. Like you and she (and he and he!) are my blood and flesh. So happy to hear about moments like you had today.
