Saturday, May 5, 2012

Crafting again

I woke up feeling a little under the weather this morning. In spite of that, I had promised myself that Jakob wouldn't watch more than an hour of television this morning. So, we were up early (Jakob woke up when I came down to relieve the nurse, and he woke Ellie up). We had breakfast, and then planned our day.

Jakob wanted to go outside, and thank goodness the weather is nice today. He played outside with DH for a couple hours, while I had some time to myself, as Ellie napped.

This afternoon, we had lunch, and I was glad I'd made enough food yesterday to last us until tomorrow. After lunch, DH went to work, and Jakob, Ellie and I went back outside. Jakob has a bubble blower he loves to run around with, and it was nice to sit in the sun.

Then, we got crafty. All my crafting things are packed up, and in storage at my inlaw's place (insert sad face here). I had to rustle up something, otherwise I knew the tv would be turned on.

Jakob and I made Sharpie "Tie-Dyed" onesies for Ellie. All you need are Sharpies, a shirt, and some rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle!



My body spray lid fit the alcohol bottle perfectly!

Spray the drawing with alcohol & wait for it to dry!

Drying... I LOVE Jakob's, the colours are amazing together. Mine is boring!
Can't wait for Ellie to grow into this size!

Rainbow water Xylophone

Bath Cubes
Now we're chilling in the living room, Ellie is napping, Jakob is almost asleep, and I'm thinking of going to eat some cookie balls...


  1. Those Sharpie onesies are amazing! Any tips/tricks to laundering them?

    1. Thanks, Jeni! Jakob loved doing them. Once the alcohol has dried, heat set the ink with a hot iron. After that, launder as you normally would! The might fade over time, but the ink won't bleed in water.

  2. I love, love, LOVE the t-shirts!!!!! What a fantastic idea.
