Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sunny day in the city!

Todays been a very big day! Our house is officially on the market, and I think all our hard work will pay off. I'm anxious to hear how the day went, but I've been at work all day (I seriously have a fantastic job, I love it!!) And I'm headed to have drinks with a friend before I go home.
I see someone I know every time I go downtown. Today, it was a preschool (as in, when we went to preschool together) friend. It never fails to amaze me, when people I haven't seen in YEARS follow our story. I am so awkward about it, it is pretty funny.
The sun is shining, I've spent the day sailing through work, while watching cruise ship activity and float planes landing.
I am happy.
Tomorrow marks DH and my 4th wedding anniversary. How has it been 4 years? Seems like no time at all.
Time to get off this sweaty, stinky train, and onto a sunny patio with a cold beer.
Happpy Wednesday!

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