Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We are having a busy day at Children's today. Ellie had an endocrinology appointment, to assess her rate of growth (it had slowed), and to monitor IGF-1 levels and thyroid function. She was a trooper through the bloodwork.

We met with the dietician, and I was glad to hear that we're on the right track. Somewhere along the lines someone asked if I thought I was feeding Ellie enough. I can't remember who it was, but it was enough to sow the seeds of doubt for me. Ellie's growing like she should be, although she had outgrown her GH dosage, so that's been bumped up by 0.05mg daily. 

Today is Ellie's 13 month birthday, I can't believe it has already been a month since her first birthday!! She's 62.3cm (24.5"), and 5.85kg (12lbs14oz).

Next, we're waiting on a consult with speech therapy, and also with audiology. Ellie's doctor today was concerned that maybe Ellie's delays in speech are related to an underlying hearing issue. I would be happy to have her hearing tested, and treated if it is a problem.

I'm making beef stew, with lima beans, onion, tomato, peppers and pasta for dinner, all cooking nicely in my crock pot. Our house is showing tomorrow afternoon, so after the kids go down for the night, I have my work cut out for me, getting it showing ready once again.

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