Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 4 - Going for Clean

Today was a baking heavy kind of a day! I started with the intention of freezing a few dozen cupcakes in preparation for Ellie's birthday celebration, but changed my mind an assigned two dozen to bring with us for Easter dinner at my parents'.

Day 4's - Going for Clean addition is something to do with being in the kitchen. I know a lot of people do this already, but it is new to me. Clean as you go! It seems so simple, but it makes a tremendous difference. It is what allowed me to bake a lot of cupcakes, then switch to cookies, and not feel like I was drowning in dishes. After using each ingredient, I would put it away in its proper place. I would rinse out the mixing bowls, and set them to dry on a clean towel on the counter. Made clean up a lot easier!!

 I have been playing (A LOT) with gluten-free recipes, and this strawberry one is really good. 
Strawberry Batter. Doesn't it look like ice cream??
Fresh from the oven. LOVE the paper cups!

Chocolate Batter

Attack of the Huggy Monster <3
I also baked some lovely Linzer cookies, which tasted, rather incredibly, exactly like their non-gluten-free counterparts!
Easter Cookies!

So, to recap the changes thus far:
- get up early, and have a shower
- make the bed
- do a load of laundry in the morning
- clean the kitchen as you're baking/cooking.
- lay out your clothes for the next day, before you go to bed

What do you think so far? I'm already noticing a change!

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