Saturday, September 8, 2012

There is a delay on our sats monitor, I'm not too sure how much, but Ellie is sleeping, and she just whimpered really loudly, followed by her sats dropping to 79. I'm assuming the whimper was her coming out of the desat.

It seems she's been having one great night, with no bipap, followed by an atrocious one, with bipap all night long. Right now, she's rung off her alarms three times in five minutes. I was going to start her bipap, but she's awake, and that never goes well.

We haven't heard back from respirology yet, about the follow-up to her "weaning". We don't have an appointment until the end of the month, I think on the 25th or something like that. Not even word on another sleep study! Definitely feels like someone's dropped the ball in their court!

Oh jeeze, it just went to 70. Time for bipap!

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