Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Interview at 3 years, 9 months.

A friend of mine posted this set of questions on her blog, so I tried them out on Jakob.

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. What is your favourite toy?
Hmmm... my favourite toy is my train set 

3. What is your favourite fruit? 
Mmmm... blueberries

4. What is your favourite TV show?
(this is probably because it's on at the moment)

5. What is your favourite food to eat for lunch?
Um, a grilled cheese sandwich and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... those two sandwiches.

6. What are your favourite clothes to wear?
My dinosaur t-shirt, it's blue
7. What is your favourite game to play?
The stick on game that's blue and red and magnets
(magnetic checkers)

8. What is your favourite snack?
9. What is your favourite animal?
It's grey, and an Elephant, or a  Hippo. They're both grey.

10. What is your favourite song?
Mockingbird, because I like when you sing it to me

11. What is your favourite book?
Hey Little Baby!
12. Who do you like to play with?
Isabella, and Sophie, and those are all my friends I like. I love girls. 
13. What is your favourite food to eat for dinner? 
 Pasta with macaroni and cheese, that's yummy! 

14. What is your favourite thing to do outside?
Play soccer
15. What is your favourite thing to drink?
Um, blueberry juice
16. Where is your favourite place to go?
To Isabella's 
17. What do you like to do before bed?
 Read a book 
18. What is your favourite breakfast?
Cereal, hot cereal.

19. What do you want for your birthday?
A robot cake.

20. What do you want to do or be when you’re big?
Be a policeman.

1 comment:

  1. These were all awesome answers, "I love girls!" especially!
