Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ellie-belle will be three months old on Friday. Three!

Because we've had her home for almost a month, and because we have watched every available episode of Go Diego Go! and Toy Story six times in a row, I seem to have mastered the art of taking bothh kids out. Jake *needs* play time with other kids, otherwise he turns terrible. So, we go out.

Can I just say, GROW UP adults!!! The adults are worse than the kids, and I have homicidal thoughts when the mothers at the park cluster together and avoid my un-perfect baby. Fuck you for sitting in your huddle, blatantly staring at us, and avoiding eye contact with me completely. Way to set an example for your kids. What's that? You don't want to encourage your kids to play with my perfect son, because his sister has a tube coming out of her nose? What the fuck is wrong with you?????
And, if it isn't that we are made to feel like Ellie has the plague, or some sort of curse people feel compelled to avoid, it's the people who say "what's wrong with your baby?", or "what happened to your baby?", before even saying a "hello, nice looking baby you've got there" first.
If people would have the decency to just not ask what's wrong with her, if they had some tact, I would gladly say "Hi! This is Ellie. She had a rough start, being born the size of a 28 weeker, and she's still trying to figure out her feeding. That there is a feeding tube, no it isn't a breathing tube, and she's making progress every day. It is too bad our modern incubators can't give them everything a baby needs, sometimes these wee things need a little time to catch up :)"
But, so far, in a month of outings, no one but the janitor of a medical building had the guts to tell me my baby was lovely and not ask anything else.
I am not liking this one little bit.


  1. Susie - she is beautiful and perfect. I'm appalled at how people have treated you, Ellie, and Jake. F 'em. Seriously. You don't want to associate with people like that anyway. If you lived anywhere near me, I'd have you all over for a playdate...I think Jake and Will are around the same age and I'd love to see sweet Ellie. Gah, those park moms piss me off. ((HUGS)) are such a good mama!

    Elise (Dgirl03 from FF)

  2. I know how you feel. Everyone would just stare at Addison's oxygen tank. There were a couple of people who actually had the guts to ask what was wrong with her. Never once did they see beyond the tubes to say oh she is cute/pretty/beautiful etc.

    We went to the zoo yesterday and for the first time someone said oh she is so beautiful. Course she isn't on her oxygen anymore so no tubes.

  3. I'm so sorry, Susie. We'd meet you at the park every day if we lived close, too. :) Rhys has an hemangioma (strawberry mark) on his forehead, and people used to always stare and ask what happened, did his brother hit him, etc. I'm so sorry people can't see Ellie for how beautiful she is. (((HUGS)))

  4. That's just horrible, and sad. What unfulfilled and empty lives they must lead, to not know a gorgeous little miracle when they see it.
