Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 8 - Going for Clean

I've been on this new cleaning streak for a whole week! My biggest test to see if it was really working, was having my lovely mother over. There may have been words spoken about having tamed the Laundry Demons... I can definitely say that the few things I've implemented over the past week are making a difference.  A rather noticeable one!!

Looking around my kitchen at the moment, I can instantly spot the things I need to put away before I pack up for the night; Jakob's new board game, the dishes that didn't fit into the dishwasher that need to be handwashed, Ellie's highchair tray that needs to be rinsed. Other than that, my kitchen is clean, and I can see Ellie's pretty little diaper collection (it's actually pretty) all folded neatly in the laundry room.

I debated tips for today. I'm saving the one I intended to use today for tomorrow. Instead, I'm adding one that should have been at the beginning of my day, after having a shower, and right around breakfast time. Keep a proper calendar and look at it!!!

Had I looked at my calendar this morning, I would have realized that it was indeed Wednesday, and hence the return to preschool for Jakob. I would also have seen that Ellie had a scheduled pediatrician appointment.

Instead, I spent the morning blissfully unaware, going about my new routine like it was any other day. I did my laundry, puttered, vacuumed and walked the dog. It wasn't until my mom came over that she pointed out I'd forgotten entirely about preschool.

So, tomorrow morning I'm adding read the calendar to my morning routine!

See you again tomorrow!

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