Thursday, April 5, 2012


We didn't make a fuss, this time, in leaving the hospital. I signed the papers, packed her things and we left. Ellie just ate, so we didn't have to worry about bipap for the car. She is so happy. She is just beaming at me, at J, at everything.
We are stuck in long weekend rush hour traffic, but that's not too bad. We have absolutely no plans, other than to enjoy the glorious sunshine and revel in Ellie's presence at home.
We have all nights this month filled, since they owed us time for when she was in the hospital. We have this Sunday on our own, but that is doable.
On her discharge papers, they said her diagnosis was an ALTE. Apparent life-threatening event. Our discharging doctor said it sounds scary, but they see lots and lots of kids admitted for the same reason.
At least we did the right thing. We took her in when we needed to, and now she is home :)


  1. Yay, that is wonderful news!!! Have a great and relaxing Easter weekend!

    1. Thank you!! Hope you have a great Easter weekend as well!
