Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year!

I don't do resolutions. If I feel the need to change something,  I change it.  As Master Yoda said "do or do not.  There is no try".

2013 was a great year.  I felt so balanced,  and deeply happy. Our life is pretty great. The kids are doing so well, Dh is almost ready to go back to work,  and I have so many things to look forward to this year.

I will plan an awesome fundraising walk in the summer. I well continue to raise awareness of PWS,  and do everything I can to make sure Ellie is pushed to meet her potential.

I have so many cookie ideas,  I am going to bake up a storm!

I just ordered two raised garden beds for the yard,  which I've already planned out!
I got my hands on a copy of Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  It is inspiring! In a relatively small space (4'x8') I can grow what normally would take five times the space!

Amazon had a killer deal on vinyl planters, which are definitely more expensive that diy with lumber,  but super low maintenance and easy to install. 

Phoenix destroyed our yard last summer.  He ate every single plant. This year,  I'm starting again from scratch,  and Jakob is going to help!

I hope gardening will help to drop my overall stress level. I'm looking forward to seeing if it does!

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