Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Doctor Who Exploding Tardis Cookie

I am geeking OUT!!

A girlfriend of mine, who shares the same love of Doctor Who as I, suggested I make mini painting cookies. She suggested Van Gogh's Exploding Tardis as an idea of something to paint. Well, tonight when I was baking my little rectangles, it dawned on me that it would be really cool to stack them together in a square, and paint a bigger picture.

Here it is! I AM SO STOKED on this! Nine chocolate cookies, arranged 3x3, everything is edible.

Exploding TARDIS Doctor Who Cookie

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cookie Bug!

I've been bitten, hard, by the cookie bug. I was going to take a break for a few days, but it's impossible! Cookies have taken over my brain.

I made extra dough when I made the fire truck cookies, so with what was left I cut out strawberries. I was planning on making chocolate dipped strawberries for Madame, and then Sugarbelle posted a tutorial on that same idea, so I HAD to try! I work in glaze, she works in royal icing, and glaze doesn't set up as nicely as RI does, but I think they turned out pretty sweet!

I am also really excited about a few cookie ideas I can't wait to bring to life! Back when I was sewing (that seems like a lifetime ago) I made some great sewing connections. One of my favourites is Jayna at Rockytop Design. She's so awesome! She comes up with such great fabric combinations, and I asked and was given permission to make cookie sets based on the fabrics she puts together. Eek! That should be fun. Here are some of the ideas I'd love to recreate:

I also got permission to use Heather Kent's art as inspiration for my cookies. I am going to make a Valentine's collection based on these paintings. Aren't they OMG cute??

So, those are the designs currently swirling around in my head. Oh, and I got a cool airbrush kit, and stencils from the Cookie Countess, so lots to keep my busy hands occupied!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Winter Wonderland

I made birthday cookies for one of the sweetest baby girls I know. This weekend is busy! Between her cookies and another birthday order of fire trucks,  my world is a little more sugar filled. I love it!

Friday, January 10, 2014

I would move the world for her

Getting Busy!

I have four Valentine cookie orders, and two birthday orders to fill by the end of February! I'm so excited! Money for research! Money for research! :)

I tried a new icing recipe last night, after much thought over the taste of my Royal Icing.
Royal Icing Cookies

To be honest, RI is not so easy for me to work with, and I think it takes less than stellar. Consistency is everything with decorating, and I had a really hard time keeping with the right consistency. So, the internet lead me on a search, and I found a great recipe (CookieCrazie).I LOVE IT!!!!

I think because I am so very new at this, switching between mediums didn't make much of a difference.
My chocolate blanks, right out of the oven (the littles are samples!)
Decorated, and ready to eat!
 My family taste testers (the boys, Ellie doesn't get very many cookies) and I agree that the new glaze is HANDS DOWN better than the RI. It tastes soooo good, and the cookies stay soft and om nom nomable!

I have lots of practice to do, yet, but I am starting to find my groove!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Small Step 2014

I'm thrilled! We registered our walk on the One Small Step site.  http://onesmallstep.fpwr.org/dw/walking/location/927

It is so excIting getting started on a new year of fundraising.  If you click through to the link,  you'll maybe notice we already have $200 raised! All cookies,  baby!!

I can't tell you how much I like decorating these cookies.  It makes me so,  so happy.

I have orders for Valentine's, two birthdays and I just applied for three dates at the north delta winter market!

Even Pinterest likes my cookies,  my Valentine's samples have been repinned 170 times!

I just hope everyone who takes the time to click through from there, notices that they're all for raising funds and awareness :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year!

I don't do resolutions. If I feel the need to change something,  I change it.  As Master Yoda said "do or do not.  There is no try".

2013 was a great year.  I felt so balanced,  and deeply happy. Our life is pretty great. The kids are doing so well, Dh is almost ready to go back to work,  and I have so many things to look forward to this year.

I will plan an awesome fundraising walk in the summer. I well continue to raise awareness of PWS,  and do everything I can to make sure Ellie is pushed to meet her potential.

I have so many cookie ideas,  I am going to bake up a storm!

I just ordered two raised garden beds for the yard,  which I've already planned out!
I got my hands on a copy of Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  It is inspiring! In a relatively small space (4'x8') I can grow what normally would take five times the space!

Amazon had a killer deal on vinyl planters, which are definitely more expensive that diy with lumber,  but super low maintenance and easy to install. 

Phoenix destroyed our yard last summer.  He ate every single plant. This year,  I'm starting again from scratch,  and Jakob is going to help!

I hope gardening will help to drop my overall stress level. I'm looking forward to seeing if it does!