Thursday, February 28, 2013

Is it really March tomorrow?

My friends, I apologize for the increasing lengths between my posts. I don't like posting from my phone, and I very rarely have time to post from the laptop, because two kids and a dog make my life BUSY.

Phoenix is getting his little boy dog operation tomorrow, and is at the shelter overnight. I must say, it's bizarre having time just the four of us. We've been productive!!

Today we cleaned out our closets, and our drawers, and donated FIVE huge garbage bags of great clothes to the less fortunate. I'm thrilled to finally be able to see my clothes, not have to freak out trying to find something I know I have, and DH can finally close his drawers.

We've also spent time cleaning out Ellie's patio and the storage room attached to it, and donated all my maternity clothes, all our baby things and a ton of toys. I've been dealing with some health issues I'm not really ready to talk about, but we've come to the decision that with the addition of our sweet puppy, our family is complete.

Ellie is thriving! Still not walking, but doing so much better with her little walker, and talking up a storm. Seriously, it is difficult to imagine there was once a time where she made no sound at all. We are so blessed to have her doing so well, and we are very, very grateful that her health has been stable this winter.

We've just experienced a horrible flu, and she was spared the brunt of it, although she did throw up, which in and of itself was very exciting for us to see. Kids with PWS often are unable to vomit, which can put their lives at risk when they're unable to bring up what they've overeaten. To know that Ellie possesses the strength and ability to vomit is a good sign. I will admit, I did a happy dance inbetween her bouts of being sick. Hey, you have to take joy in the little things!

Ah, it's time to put the wee ones to bed, and have a glass of wine with my hubby.

More posts to come, when I find the time.

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