Friday, August 19, 2011

I was born to be Ellie's mother. I have been thinking about it, and it all came together in the wee hours of the morning.

As a child, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a mother. In elementary school, I met people who still heavily influence my life. Some of our most generous supporters are friends I've known my whole life. A friend's mother is a medical geneticists, Ellie's godmothers come from that group, as do so many other connections.

In university, I did everything, but it was almost like I was setting myself up to deal with this situation. I didn't major, focusing rather on family studies (particularly parent-child dynamics), language and visual art. I wanted to be an art-therapist, maybe also a music therapist. But, I changed my mind. I wasn't into it, it didn't click.

Then, I went to BCIT, where I studied public relations and media communications. I got some good jobs with my credentials, experience in communications, in fundraising, but that didn't click, either.

Then, I had Jakob, and he gave me the wonderful experience of a beautiful, perfect pregnancy. Natural childbirth, easy nursing, and first time motherly love. He's taught me patience, to value to moments, to live, to love, and to let things go.

With Ellie, well, she puts everything into place. I have prepared my whole life for her. I can deal with this, I can help her. God, I love her.

Our walk was a resounding success, I was featured on the Saturday morning radio news (CKNW, August 20, 6:33:22am, if you want to look in the audio vault!)

Ah, gotta go, little man just fell asleep on his dinner plate.

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