Friday, December 20, 2013

New obsession!

I love cookies. I've loved cookies my whole life.  My parents will attest that cookie wad my first two syllable word. No joke!

I also love art. I draw everyday. I doodle when I talk on the phone, colour with Jakob very often, and always have a sketchbook in progress.

When I was making those snowflake cookies, I started wondering what else you could do to decorate cookies.

Holy moly! The internet has 846395827165 ideas!! I spent a couple hours, late into the night, researching royal icing, and cookie decorating.

Today, I bought a few supplies and cranked these out!!

I LOVE them!

Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suzie!
    You wrote a comment on my blog ( back a couple of years ago (about). My son, Jackson, was born with Progressive Infantile Scoliosis, and you were responding to my blog post about feeling in "limbo" between normal kids and special needs kids. I just wanted to say hello ... and to tell you (although late) how much I appreciated your comment! I am somewhat familiar with Prader-Willi syndrome. I am a pediatrics RN ... and I have actually helped navigate the Mehta casting system with some PWS families. Many PWS kids actually have progressive scoliosis as part of their syndrome and undergo casting treatments like Jackson (you may already know this).

    Anyways, I hope your family is doing well. I'm thinking of you! Have a very Merry Christmas!

