I will get around to that, someday. Maybe one morning when I wake up at 5am, and decide not to go back to sleep.
Ellie had her weekly check-up today. She's adjusted to 6.5 weeks, I think. She weighed in at 3440 grams, or 7lbs 9oz, and measured 19 inches. Still clinging to her curve, which is nice. She's still ng tube fed almost every meal, although she likes to have a few milliliters by bottle.
Yesterday, Jakob wanted to help me sew. We decided to make a play mat for Ellie, and he decided on the layout.
Here's the rough layout:
And here it is in action:
We honestly do not need a single extra blanket, but if my son wants to do something fun, like sewing, with his mama, I am certainly not going to deny him the experience!
He had so much fun arranging the fabrics, that he did another layout while I was sewing the black, white and pink one.
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