We are slowly making progress getting Ellie started on GH. Our insurance covered the first three months of therapy, so hopefully we get started when we come back from London in November!
She's doing well with physio, and is keeping up to her own little curve.
Jason and I have been talking a lot about our future. We love our neighbourhood, and we like our place, but we don't like the fact that we don't have a yard, and our immediate neighbours leave much to be desired. We know we want to buy a house. We can't afford one anywhere locally where we actually want to live. Some of the areas we like are too far to commute. Also, with all the appointments we have with Ellie in the city, it's almost impossible to move further out than we already are.
So, we're contemplating a move. A very big move. We are thinking about moving to Calgary in the new year. I have friends in Calgary, Jason can transfer fairly easily to the CPS, the pay there is better than here, there are less taxes, and houses are still reasonable. We can afford a good house, with a nice yard in a great neighbourhood, close to good schools. There are more services available for Ellie. I know someone out that way whose son has PWS, and she said he gets very good care. The waitlists are shorter, and there are more social services for kids with disabilities.
I don't mind winter, actually I love the sunshine, and can deal quite well with the cold. I would miss the green of Vancouver, and Jay's family and our friends. Missing friends would be the hardest part. But, when it comes down to it, the most important thing for us is to be able to give our kids the best opportunities we can provide. Over there, chances are very good I won't have to work out of necessity. If we leave, though, I doubt we would be able to move back, unless the market crumbles.
Part of me is terrified at the thought of leaving, the other part of me is absolutely excited at the prospect of starting anew, and for us to forge the life we want in a place that we like.