Sittinmg in waiting room a, waiting for my last ever mfm appointment, unless I end up having another baby. Hahahahahahaha... no effing way!
I am really hoping for answers today.
Checking in, the reg lady asked if I was new. I laughed and said, no, I'm postpartum, this is my last appointment. She said that I didn't look like I could possibly be postpartum. I know that's a compliment, but... it hurts my heart to know I should be pregnant, huge and uncomfortable, not skinnier than before I got pregnant, and looking like I didn't have a baby. At least ellie is okay.
Aww... I saw Sandi, the nst lady. She knew I had Ellie, and had asked about me. It is really nice to know the people do care, it isn't just a facade.
It is sooo weird being here, without ellie. Everyone else post-partum comes in with their babies, and I have receptionists asking me where she is. I miss being pregnant. Seeing all these beautiful bellies makes me wish I could do it again, and then I remember "DUH, I'm sitting here waiting to find out why I couldn't be pregnant longer"
I have my follow up with Dr. Pressy. I loved her.
After this, I am going to the nicu, evergreen and l and d to deliver her announcements. Hoping some of my nurses are upstairs, would be nice to thank them in person for the care I received.
Lol, the mfm nurses down here don't know what to do with me. All I want is the pathology report. I am not really a patient, definitely don't need to have anything checked.
Hmmm... well, they did check my bp 110/70, not sure why. Nurse asked me how I am, if I have any bleeding (it stopped a few days ago, finally), any stitches (no... and she looked surprised) then she asked how I am sleeping. I told her fine... clueing in to the fact she knows nothing about me at all, and clearly had no idea Ellie was early, in the nicu, not at home, and not breastfeeding. Couldn't she have at least looked at my chart? I told her, and she was like "oh."
Come ON, Lady... you're a nurse at a high-risk clinic. Your patients deliver early all the time.
I should have eaten something, I am huuuungry.
You'd think with all I have been through, I would be more patient. Seems I am still rather impatient, and I hate waiting! If my phone had the internet, maybe id be less irritable, I really should have stopped at the store on my way. They always make you wait here!
And the verdict is: my placenta measured at thr 3rd percentile for size. It had lots of areas of poor perfusion, and areas of advanced maturation (aging faster than it should have). Spots of old bleeding, spots of new bleeding, all in all definitely not a great placenta at all. There were a lot of white blood cells present, but no inflammation or established infection to the placenta itself. So, just what they thought before I had her, crappy placenta!
Talked bc, and I asked if this would happen again. She said I have a 25-35% chance of it reoccuring. She told me, that I am her postpartum figure inspiration. She gave me a hug :) and I delivered my cards and went home!